Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Crude But Funny Pics

I was sent these pics on Facebook which I thought were quite crude, but also very funny, so I thought I would post them on my blog as well.

Friday, 21 September 2007

Chinese Dragon Tattoo

My mate Lyndon sent me this wonderful Chinese Dragon Tattoo that he hopes to have done next, I wish I had the courage to have a tattoo, maybe one day.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Snoopy Boobs!!

Tony Blair showing off his man boobs whilst down the beach paddling for all to see. (Wolf Whistles) Woof Woof!!!! Snoopy Boobs Wins The Prize

Monday, 17 September 2007

Batman & Robin

My mate Andy sent me this realistic picture drawing of Batman & Robin climbing up a building to save a guy who looks like he's on the edge of burning window sill, but I thought it was a good pic anyway. Its by an Artist called Banksy.

Sunday, 16 September 2007

DV - Dragon Valley

DV - Dragon Valley Airsoft, The friendly site that bans you unfarely!!!!!

Saturday, 15 September 2007

Global Warming Knickers

My Mate Andy sent me this pic postive proof of global warming putting them out on the washing line, nice selection of knickers ;-)

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Hands Up!!

I saw this on my mates fridge and thought this was rather fun.

Carmarthen Train Station On A Wet Day

The bus stop opposite camarthen train station with my mate standing also taking pics of the train station.

Pic was taken when we went up to pembrokeshire for the day to visit an old friend.

Scorps Funky Photos

I've made this blog for myself and others to put up photo's that are fun and funky as well as video clips which people can add freely to as long as its nothing out of order or find offensive.

Look forward to seeing some good pics come through.

Best Wishes
